Terry Hui
CEO, Concord Pacific
As CEO of Concord Energy Group, Terry Hui has led the transformation of urban landscapes across Canada. Concord’s masterplans, Concord Pacific Place in Vancouver and CityPlace in Toronto, are Canada’s largest and have been emulated by cities and planners around the world.
Under his leadership, Concord Pacific and its subsidiary, Concord Green Energy, have developed more than 20 renewable energy projects in solar, wind, and hydro from coast to coast. Its Skookum Hydroelectric project in Squamish, B.C. has contributed to the province’s energy needs since 2005. Concord Green Energy has developed two major solar projects with Alberta First Nations communities, with the latest one, Tilley Solar, expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the province by 14,200 tonnes each year. These green energy power plants across Canada generate enough green energy to power two times the homes in downtown Vancouver.
In addition to renewable energy projects, Terry Hui has made Concord Pacific a world leader in developing green infrastructure for real estate developments, ensuring that power is obtained from sustainable sources. Its green communities reduce energy usage and connect communities to mass transit and walkable retail, reducing carbon footprints and providing models for sustainable lifestyles.
Mr. Hui holds a degree in Physics from UC Berkeley and a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Santa Clara University. His innovative spirit at Concord Pacific is highlighted by several firsts: establishing Canada’s fastest internet through the first fiber community; launching the fourth wireless carrier in Canada; building North America’s first and currently the world’s largest full EV quick-charge parkade; and pioneering BioSpace systems in North America for healthier living environments.
Terry Hui is now in his fourth decade as the leader of Concord Pacific. His personal interests include cycling, skiing, and competitive sailing.